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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/candidatesQuery (Jump to "Try It Now")

Required Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
electionDay string Date of the election in this format: YYYY-MM-DD For all elections in a year, pass in: YYYY For all elections in a month, pass in: YYYY-MM

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
raceOfficeLevelList list of strings Limit the candidates returned to: Federal, State, Local
searchText string The word or words we want to search for in all candidates.
state string Limit the candidates returned to this state.
useWeVoteFormat boolean Return the candidate variables in snake case variable name format to match other We Vote APIs.


  "status": string,
  "success": boolean,
  "candidatesIndexStart": integer,
  "candidatesReturnedCount": integer,
  "candidatesTotalCount": integer,
  "electionDay": string,
  "kind": string,
  "state": string,
  "candidates": list
     "id": integer,
     "status": string,
     "success": boolean,
     "ballot_item_display_name": string,
     "ballotpedia_candidate_id": integer,
     "ballotpedia_candidate_summary": string,
     "ballotpedia_candidate_url": string,
     "candidate_photo_url_large": string,
     "candidate_photo_url_medium": string,
     "candidate_photo_url_tiny": string,
     "kind_of_ballot_item": string,
     "last_updated": string (time in this format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S),
     "order_on_ballot": integer,
     "party": string,
     "we_vote_id": string,
  "election": {
     "electionDay": string,
     "id": integer,
     "name": string,
     "ballotpediaId": string,
     "googleCivicId": string,
     "voteUSAId": string,
     "weVoteId": string,
  "elections": list
     "electionDay": string,
     "id": integer,
     "name": string,
     "ballotpediaId": string,
     "googleCivicId": string,
     "voteUSAId": string,
     "weVoteId": string,

Response Status Codes

Code Description
CANDIDATES_RETRIEVED Candidates were returned.
NO_CANDIDATES_RETRIEVED There are no candidates stored for this Office.

Try It Now: API Variables

Retrieve all the candidates in a particular election or state. This API maintains compatibility with the Vote USA API of the same name. For We Vote usage, we offer an option to return variables with 'snake case' formatting as opposed to 'camel case'.

Parameter name Value  
useWeVoteFormat: True

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