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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/voterAggregateAnalytics (Jump to "Try It Now")

Required Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
api_key string (from post, cookie, or get (in that order)) The unique key provided to any organization using the WeVoteServer APIs

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
google_civic_election_id integer Limit results to this election. Note that this election may have been viewed in later years, and this data is included. Limit by year as well to only see statistics regarding viewings in the year of the election
show_counties_without_activity boolean By default, this API only returns counties which have had some activity. This setting overrides this behavior and shows all counties (in visible states) when TRUE.
show_county_topics boolean Include statistics about topics followed by voters county-by-county.
show_state_topics boolean Include statistics about topics followed by voters in each state.
show_states_without_activity boolean By default, this API only returns states which have had some activity. This setting overrides this behavior and shows all states when TRUE.
show_this_year_of_analytics integer Limit results to the analytics of this one year.


  "status": string,
  "success": boolean,
  "documentation_url": "https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/docs/voterAggregateAnalytics/",
  "query_builder_url": "https://api.wevoteusa.org/a/query_builder/",
  "google_civic_election_id": integer 
    (if positive value, the unique election id we are focused on viewing.
     If < 1,000,000 from google, if greater, generated by We Vote),
  "voters": integer (the number of voters who used We Vote, limited by search parameters),
  "voters_following_topics": integer (the number of voters following at least one topic),
  "percent_of_voters_following_topics": integer (voters_following_topics / voters),
  "year": integer (the year shown, default is "all years"),
  "likely_left_from_issues": integer 
    (We Vote's estimate of the number of voters who lean politically left, 
     out of voters_following_topics. 
     See: calculate_likely_political_party_from_issues),
  "likely_right_from_issues": integer,
  "likely_democrat_from_issues": integer,
  "likely_green_from_issues": integer,
  "likely_libertarian_from_issues": integer,
  "likely_republican_from_issues": integer,
  "show_states_without_activity": boolean,
  "show_state_topics": boolean,
  "show_counties": boolean,
  "show_counties_without_activity": boolean,
  "show_county_topics": boolean,
  "states": dict
     "<STATE_CODE>": 2-digit string all-caps, key for dict,
         "state_name": string,
         "voters_in_state": integer (the number of voters who used We Vote in this state),
         "voters_in_state_following_topics": integer 
           (# of voters in this state who chose 1+ topics),
         "percent_voters_in_state_following_topics": string 
           (Percent of voters_in_state_following_topics divided by voters_in_state),
         "topics_by_state": list of dicts 
           (all topics followed by people in this state, that included activity)
           "topic_name": string,
           "issue_we_vote_id": string,
           "voters_in_state_following_this_topic": integer 
             (# of voters in this state who followed this topic),
           "percent_voters_in_state_following": string 
             (voters_in_state_following_this_topic / voters_in_state),
           "percent_voters_in_state_following_active_only": integer
             (voters_in_state_following_this_topic / voters_in_state_following),
         "counties": list of dicts (all counties that included activity)
           "county_name": string, (display name)
           "county_short_name": string,
           "county_fips_code": string,
           "voters_in_county": integer (the number of voters who used We Vote in this county),
           "voters_in_county_following": integer 
             (# of voters in this county who chose 1+ topics),
           "percent_voters_in_county_following": integer 
             (voters_in_county_following / voters_in_county),
           "topics_by_county": list (all topics in this county that included activity)
             "topic_name": string,
             "issue_we_vote_id": string,
             "voters_in_county_following_this_topic": integer 
               (# of voters in this county who followed this topic),
             "percent_voters_in_county_following": string 
               (voters_in_county_following_this_topic / voters_in_county),
               (voters_in_county_following_this_topic / voters_in_county_following),

Try It Now: API Variables

Retrieve the number of voters who have used We Vote. In some search configurations, many fields are not returned. Publicly available query builder at this URL: https://api.wevoteusa.org/a/query_builder/

Parameter name Value  
show_counties_without_activity: True
show_county_topics: True
show_state_topics: True
show_states_without_activity: True

(opens in new window)