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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/issuesRetrieve (Jump to "Try It Now")

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
voter_device_id string An 88 character unique identifier linked to a voter record on the server
sort_formula string Default is MOST_LINKED_ORGANIZATIONS A string constant that specifies the criteria which will be used to sort the issues. Other options are: ALPHABETICAL_ASCENDING
voter_issues_only boolean DEPRECATED When this is true, then the resulting issue list contains only issues followed by this voter's we vote id
include_voter_follow_status boolean When this is true, then the fields: is_issue_followed and is_issue_ignored reflect the real values, else these fields are false by default


  "success": boolean,
  "status": string,
  "voter_issues_only": boolean DEPRECATED, 
  "include_voter_follow_status": boolean, 
  "issue_list": list
     "issue_we_vote_id": string,
     "issue_name": string,
     "issue_description": string,
     "issue_icon_local_path": string,
     "issue_image_url": string,
     "issue_photo_url_large": string,
     "issue_photo_url_medium": string,
     "issue_photo_url_tiny": string,
     "is_issue_followed": boolean,
     "is_issue_ignored": boolean,
  "issue_score_list": list DEPRECATED
     "ballot_item_we_vote_id": string,
     "issue_support_score": integer,
     "issue_oppose_score": integer,
     "organization_we_vote_id_support_list": list
         "organization_we_vote_id": string,
     "organization_name_support_list": list
         "Speaker Display Name": string,
     "organization_we_vote_id_oppose_list": list
         "organization_we_vote_id": string,
     "organization_name_oppose_list": list
         "Speaker Display Name": string,
  "issues_under_ballot_items_list": list
     "ballot_item_we_vote_id": string,
     "issue_we_vote_id_list": list
         "issue_we_vote_id": string,

Try It Now: API Variables

Parameter name Value  
voter_issues_only: True
include_voter_follow_status: True

(opens in new window)