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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/organizationAnalyticsByVoter (Jump to "Try It Now")

Required Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
organization_we_vote_id string An organization's unique We Vote id.
organization_api_pass_code string An organization's unique pass code for retrieving this data. Not needed if organization is signed in.
voter_device_id string Not needed if organization_api_pass_code is used.
api_key string (from post, cookie, or get (in that order)) The unique key provided to any organization using the WeVoteServer APIs

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
election_id integer Limit the results to just this election
external_voter_id string Limit the results to just this voter
voter_we_vote_id string Limit the results to just this voter


  "status": string,
  "success": boolean,
  "organization_we_vote_id": string,
  "election_list": list
     "election_id": string,
     "election_name": string,
     "election_date": string,
     "election_state": string,
  "voter_list": list
     "external_voter_id": string (Unique ID from organization),
     "voter_we_vote_id": string (the voter's we vote id),
     "elections_visited: list,
       "election_id": string (the election if within we vote),
       "support_count": integer (COMING SOON),
       "oppose_count: integer (COMING SOON),
       "friends_only_support_count": integer (COMING SOON),
       "friends_only_oppose_count: integer (COMING SOON),
       "friends_only_comments_count": integer (COMING SOON),
       "public_support_count": integer (COMING SOON),
       "public_oppose_count: integer (COMING SOON),
       "public_comments_count": integer (COMING SOON),

Try It Now: API Variables

A list of voter-specific analytics about either a) one of your member's, or b) all of your members based on the variables you send with the request. These analytics come from visits to organization's custom URL, and not the main WeVote.US site.

Parameter name Value  

(opens in new window)