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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/positionPublicOpposeCountForBallotItem (Jump to "Try It Now")

Required Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
api_key string (from post, cookie, or get (in that order)) The unique key provided to any organization using the WeVoteServer APIs
kind_of_ballot_item string The kind of ballot item we want the oppose count for. (kind_of_ballot_item is either "CANDIDATE", "POLITICIAN" or "MEASURE")
ballot_item_id integer The unique internal identifier of the ballot item we want the oppose count for. (either ballot_item_id OR ballot_item_we_vote_id required -- not both. If it exists, ballot_item_id is used instead of ballot_item_we_vote_id)
ballot_item_we_vote_id string The unique identifier for this ballot_item across all networks (either ballot_item_id OR ballot_item_we_vote_id required -- not both. NOTE: In the future we might support other identifiers used in the industry.


  "status": string,
  "success": boolean,
  "count": integer,

Response Status Codes

Code Description
UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE-CANDIDATE_ID_AND_MEASURE_ID_MISSING Cannot proceed. Neither candidate_id nor measure_id were included.
SUCCESSFUL_RETRIEVE_OF_POSITIONS The number of opposes for this ballot item was retrieved.
SUCCESSFUL_RETRIEVE_OF_POSITIONS_NOT_FOLLOWED The number of endorsers that oppose this ballot item that voter is NOT following.

Try It Now: API Variables

A single number showing the total that oppose this Ballot Item (Candidate or Measure) from any organizations and public figures. (Not just the ones a voter follows.)

Parameter name Value  

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