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HTTP request

GET https://api.wevoteusa.org/apis/v1/voterGuidePossibilitySave (Jump to "Try It Now")

Required Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
voter_device_id string An 88 character unique identifier linked to a voter record on the server
api_key string (from post, cookie, or get (in that order)) The unique key provided to any organization using the WeVoteServer APIs
voter_guide_possibility_id integer The id of the voterGuidePossibility to be saved.

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Value Description
candidate_we_vote_id string The we_vote_id of the candidate these endorsements are about.
candidates_missing_from_we_vote boolean Are there candidates endorsed on this page that we do not have in our Candidate table?
cannot_find_endorsements boolean This endorser hasn't posted their endorsements for the upcoming election yet, but it is worth coming back to this website later to find endorsements when they are posted.
capture_detailed_comments boolean Are there comments that go along with endorsements that remain to be captured?
clear_organization_options boolean Is the organization this endorsement linked to incorrect, that should be unlinked?
contributor_comments string Comments from the person saving this VoterGuidePossibility.
contributor_email string The email address (unverified) of the person submitting this VoterGuidePossibility.
done_needs_verification boolean We have extracted all the data that we can from these Endorsement Websites, and it is ready for review by another teammate.
done_verified boolean Another teammate reviewed the captured data for accuracy, and approved all the stored data as valid.
from_prior_election boolean The URL to these endorsements was meant for prior year. If the URL might be used again by endorser in future years, please mark "Not Available Yet".
hide_from_active_review boolean This may have some valuable information in it, but we can put it into storage. We might use this URL again in a future election.
ignore_this_source boolean This web page does not have endorsements and should be ignored. This website should not be looked at in this or future elections, for any reason. If it was from a prior year (in the URL) you can label as "from_prior_election" instead.
internal_notes string Internal notes from a We Vote political data manager.
limit_to_this_state_code string All of these endorsements relate to candidates or ballot items in this state.
organization_we_vote_id string The we_vote_id of the organization making these endorsements.
possible_candidate_name string The name of the candidate these endorsements are about,, for possible matching with candidate in We Vote database.
possible_candidate_twitter_handle string The Twitter handle of the candidate these endorsements are about, for possible matching with candidate in We Vote database.
possible_organization_name string The name of the organization making these endorsements, for possible matching with organization in We Vote database.
possible_organization_twitter_handle string The Twitter handle of the organization making these endorsements, for possible matching with organization in We Vote database.


  "status": string,
  "success": boolean,
  "candidate": dict
     "candidate_we_vote_id": string,
     "candidate_name": string,
     "candidate_website": string,
     "candidate_twitter_handle": string,
     "candidate_email": string,
     "candidate_facebook": string,
     "we_vote_hosted_profile_image_url_medium": string,
     "we_vote_hosted_profile_image_url_tiny": string,
  "candidates_missing_from_we_vote": boolean,
  "cannot_find_endorsements": boolean,
  "capture_detailed_comments": boolean,
  "contributor_comments": string,
  "contributor_email": string,
  "done_needs_verification": string,
  "done_verified": string,
  "from_prior_election": boolean,
  "hide_from_active_review": boolean,
  "ignore_this_source": boolean,
  "internal_notes": string,
  "organization": dict
     "organization_we_vote_id": string,
     "organization_name": string,
     "organization_website": string,
     "organization_twitter_handle": string,
     "organization_email": string,
     "organization_facebook": string,
     "we_vote_hosted_profile_image_url_medium": string,
     "we_vote_hosted_profile_image_url_tiny": string,
  "possible_candidate_name": string,
  "possible_candidate_twitter_handle": string,
  "possible_owner_of_website_candidates_list": list,
       "candidate_we_vote_id": string,
       "candidate_name": string,
       "candidate_website": string,
       "candidate_twitter_handle": string,
       "candidate_email": string,
       "candidate_facebook": string,
       "candidate_photo_url_medium": string,
       "candidate_photo_url_tiny": string,
  "possible_organization_name": string,
  "possible_organization_twitter_handle": string,
  "possible_owner_of_website_organizations_list": list,
       "organization_id": integer,
       "organization_we_vote_id": string,
       "organization_name": string,
       "organization_website": string,
       "organization_twitter_handle": string,
       "organization_email": string,
       "organization_facebook": string,
       "organization_photo_url_medium": string,
       "organization_photo_url_tiny": string,
  "limit_to_this_state_code": string,
  "url_to_scan": string,
  "voter_device_id": string (88 characters long),
  "voter_guide_possibility_edit": string,
  "voter_guide_possibility_id": integer,
  "voter_guide_possibility_type": string,

Response Status Codes

Code Description
VALID_VOTER_DEVICE_ID_MISSING Cannot proceed. A valid voter_device_id parameter was not included.
VALID_VOTER_ID_MISSING Cannot proceed. A valid voter_id was not found.

Try It Now: API Variables

Update existing VoterGuidePossibility with altered data.

Parameter name Value  
candidates_missing_from_we_vote: True
cannot_find_endorsements: True
capture_detailed_comments: True
clear_organization_options: True
done_needs_verification: True
done_verified: True
from_prior_election: True
hide_from_active_review: True
ignore_this_source: True

(opens in new window)