A list of our available APIs:
Also see our admin tools.
A list of our available APIs:
Also see our admin tools.
Method | Static | Description |
searchAll | This api will search everything. Can be used for instant search. | |
Voter Basic Data | ||
deviceIdGenerate | Generate a device_id (store in cookie) that can be linked to a voter_id | |
deviceStoreFirebaseCloudMessagingToken | Store the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCW) token in the same record as the voter_device_id | |
donationWithStripe | Process a stripe payment with a token (generated by stripe's checkout client library) | |
voterAddressRetrieve | Retrieve an address for a voter that has previously been saved. | |
voterAddressSave | Save or update address for an existing voter. Once the address is saved, the API server calls voterBallotItemsRetrieveFromGoogleCivic (If the address has actually changed.) | |
voterCount | static | Count the number of voters in the database. |
voterCreate | Create an empty voter entry attached to a voter_device_id | |
voterEmailAddressRetrieve | Retrieve all of the voter's email addresses, including the status of each email. | |
voterEmailAddressSave | Save or update email address for an existing voter. | |
voterEmailAddressSignIn | Sign in based on an email_secret_key that gets emailed to voter. | |
voterEmailAddressVerify | Verify an email address using an email_secret_key that gets emailed to voter. | |
voterPhotoSave - DEPRECATED, PLEASE USE voterUpdate | Save photo (pulled from Facebook or Twitter) for an existing voter. | |
voterPlanListRetrieve | Retrieve public voter plans, so we can show off examples from other voters. | |
voterPlanSave | Save one voter's plan-to-vote (when, where, etc.), and return a list of all previously saved plans for that voter. | |
voterRetrieve | Export key voter data to JSON format | |
voterUpdate | Save profile-related fields for an existing voter. | |
voterNotificationSettingsUpdate | Save notification settings changes for a voter. (Used for unsubscribe.) | |
voterSMSPhoneNumberRetrieve | Retrieve all of the voter's sms phone numbers, including the status of each phone number. | |
voterSMSPhoneNumberSave | Save or update sms phone number for an existing voter. | |
voterVerifySecretCode | Voter submits this six-digit code to verify that they received an SMS message or email. | |
Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple | ||
voterFacebookSignInRetrieve | Retrieve the Facebook Sign In status based on voter_device_id. | |
voterFacebookSignInSave | Save the results of Facebook sign in authentication. | |
voterFacebookSaveToCurrentAccount | Save Facebook information (name) to current voter account. | |
facebookFriendsAction | Request information about a voter's facebook friends. | |
facebookDisconnect | Disconnect Voter's facebook account from We Vote account. | |
appleSignInSave | Save the Apple "user" code, returned by the Sign In With Apple api response for a given Apple ID -- the Apple ID is phone owner's email address and password used to sign into iCloud, the App Store, etc. WeVote never "sees" the Apple ID password, only the "user" code returned by the API and the user's email address (which unfortunately can be an Apple aliased email address). | |
twitterIdentityRetrieve | Find the kind of owner and unique id of this twitter handle, whether it be a candidate, organization, or individual voter. We use this to take an incoming URI like https://wevote.guide/RepBarbaraLee and return the owner of 'RepBarbaraLee'. | |
twitterSignInStart | Start the process of signing in with Twitter. | |
twitterSignInRequest (AccessToken) | Step 2 in the process of signing in with Twitter. | |
twitterSignInRequest?voter_info_mode=1 | Step 3 in the process of signing in with Twitter. | |
twitterSignInRetrieve | Retrieve the Twitter user information following Twitter authentication. | |
twitterRetrieveIdsIFollow | Retrieve the Twitter ids I follow. | |
voterTwitterSaveToCurrentAccount | Save Twitter information to current voter account. | |
voterMergeTwoAccounts | Combine two accounts into one. Leave existing voter_device_id in place, but link it to the remaining voter account. | |
voterSplitIntoTwoAccounts | Split one account into two accounts. Used for un-linking a Twitter account from the current voter account. | |
voterSignOut | Delete the voter sign in session. (Remove voter_device_id from database.) | |
voterContactListRetrieve | Retrieve from We Vote database all contacts previously uploaded | |
voterContactListSave | Send the voter's contacts for processing. (Voter has explicitly opted in.) | |
voterContactSave | Make changes to specific voterContactEmail entries owned by this voter. | |
GeoLocation | ||
voterLocationRetrieveFromIP | Retrieve a printable string with the location of the voter, based on the browser's IP address. Ex/ "Oakland, CA 94602" | |
Ballot Contest Data | ||
ballotItemHighlightsRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve a complete list of candidates or measures in all elections this year (including prior). This information is not organized in a hierarchy, but is instead provided in a simple list to help us highlight candidates on web pages. |
ballotItemOptionsRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve a complete list of offices, candidates or measures in the specified election(s). This information is not organized in a hierarchy, but is instead provided in a simple list to help with auto-complete and browser-side quick search features. |
allBallotItemsRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve a list of all ballot items in a current election. This API gives us all possible offices, candidates and measures for an election so that people can build a complete list of endorsements, from anywhere in the country. Since this data doesn't change minute-by-minute and contains a lot of data, try to always retrieve it from the CDN. |
voterBallotItemsRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve a list of ballot items to display for the current voter from We Vote database. These entries would have been previously retrieved from Google Civic with voterBallotItemsRetrieveFromGoogleCivic. |
voterBallotItemsRetrieveFromGoogleCivic | c3 | Tell We Vote server to reach out to the Google Civic API and retrieve a list of ballot items for the current voter (based on the address saved with voterAddressSave), and store them in We Vote database, so we can display them with voterBallotItemsRetrieve, and other API calls. |
voterBallotListRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve a list of users ballots from different elections from We Vote database. |
electionsRetrieve | static c3 | Return a list of all elections, and include ballot location options so a voter can jump to sample ballots. |
electionsSyncOut | static c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public elections information. |
pollingLocationsSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all map points. |
Campaigns for Supporting/Opposing Candidates | ||
campaignListRetrieve | Retrieve list of CampaignX entries. Includes campaigns started and supported by voter, as well as other campaigns of interest. | |
campaignSave or campaignStartSave | Create or update CampaignX entry. | |
campaignRetrieve | CDN | Retrieve CampaignX entry. |
campaignRetrieveAsOwner | Retrieve CampaignX entry as an owner. | |
campaignSupporterSave | Create or update CampaignXSupporter entry. | |
campaignSupporterRetrieve | Retrieve CampaignXSupporter entry. | |
campaignNewsItemSave | Create or update CampaignXNewsItem entry. | |
Democracy Challenges | ||
challengeListRetrieve | Retrieve list of Challenge entries. Includes challenges started and supported by voter, as well as other challenges of interest. | |
challengeSave or challengeStartSave | Create or update Challenge entry. | |
challengeRetrieve | CDN | Retrieve Challenge entry. |
challengeRetrieveAsOwner | Retrieve Challenge entry as an owner. | |
challengeSupporterSave | Create or update ChallengeSupporter entry. | |
challengeSupporterRetrieve | Retrieve ChallengeSupporter entry. | |
challengeNewsItemSave | Create or update ChallengeNewsItem entry. | |
Elected Officials, Offices Held by a Politician & Politicians | ||
politicianRetrieve | CDN | Retrieve one politician. |
representativesQuery | static c3 | Retrieve a list of representatives currently in office, for an entire year. |
Offices (i.e. races), Candidates running & Measures | ||
ballotItemRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve details about one office, candidate or measure. This is a wrapper for officeRetrieve, candidateRetrieve and measureRetrieve. |
ballotItemsSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all ballot items information. |
ballotReturnedSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all ballot_returned items. |
officeRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve details about one office. Alternate to ballotItemRetrieve. |
candidateRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve details about one candidate. Alternate to ballotItemRetrieve. |
candidatesQuery | static c3 | Retrieve a list of candidates for one election, or for an entire year. |
candidatesRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve a list of candidates (summary information) competing for an office. |
candidateListForUpcomingElectionsRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve a list of candidates for upcoming elections that we want to gather endorsements for. |
measureRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve details about one measure. Alternate to ballotItemRetrieve. |
measureListForUpcomingElectionsRetrieve | static c3 | Retrieve a list of measures for upcoming elections that we want to gather endorsements for. |
quickInfoRetrieve | static c3 | Information necessary to populate a bubble next to a ballot item. |
politiciansSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public politician information. |
officesSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public office information. |
candidatesSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public candidates information. |
candidateToOfficeLinkSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all offices the candidate is running for in one election cycle. |
measuresSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public measures information. |
Positions (Support, Oppose, Info Only), Bookmarks and Like's | ||
positionListForBallotItem | A list of all positions (support/oppose/info) for this Ballot Item (Office, Candidate or Measure) from organizations, friends, and public figures this voter follows. | |
positionListForBallotItemFromFriends | A list of all public and friends-only positions (support/oppose/info) for this Ballot Item (Office, Candidate or Measure) from friends this voter is friends with. | |
positionListForOpinionMaker | A list of all positions (support/oppose/info) for this Opinion Maker (Organization or Public Figure) relating to Candidates, Measures or Offices. | |
positionListForVoter | A list of all positions (support/oppose/info) for this voter relating to Candidates, Measures or Offices. | |
positionSupportCountForBallotItem | A single number showing the total supporters for this Ballot Item (Candidate or Measure) from organizations, friends, and public figures this voter follows. | |
positionOpposeCountForBallotItem | A single number showing the total that oppose this Ballot Item (Candidate or Measure) from organizations, friends, and public figures this voter follows. | |
positionPublicSupportCountForBallotItem | static/ public c3 | A single number showing the total supporters for this Ballot Item (Candidate or Measure) from organizations and public figures. (NOT specific to one voter.) |
positionPublicOpposeCountForBallotItem | static/ public c3 | A single number showing the total that oppose this Ballot Item (Candidate or Measure) from organizations and public figures. (NOT specific to one voter.) |
positionRetrieve | static/ public c3 | Retrieve one position based on unique position identifier. (Public positions can be served by c3 network. Private positions served by other network.) |
positionSave | c3 | Save a new position or update an existing position. Mostly for volunteer tools and voter guides. For the typical voter, we use voterPositionCommentSave, voterSupportingSave, voterOpposingSave, voterStopSupportingSave, and voterStopOpposingSave. |
voterAllPositionsRetrieve | Retrieve all support/oppose stances held by this voter in one list. For a list of positions with full data, use positionListForVoter. | |
voterAllBookmarksStatusRetrieve | Retrieve all of the voter's bookmarks. | |
voterPositionRetrieve | Retrieve the voter's position based on voter_device_id and ballot item id. | |
voterPositionCommentSave | Save the voter's comment based on voter_device_id and ballot item id. | |
voterReactionLikeOnSave | Mark that the voter wants to 'Like' this position. | |
voterReactionLikeOffSave | Remove a Like that the voter set on a position. | |
reactionLikeStatusRetrieve | Has this voter 'Liked' this position? | |
reactionLikeCount | The total number of Likes that a position has received, either from the perspective of your network of friends, or the entire network. | |
voterSupportingSave | Save or update one voter's support for one candidate or measure | |
voterStopSupportingSave | Save or update one voter's lack of support for one candidate or measure | |
voterOpposingSave | Save or update one voter's opposition for one candidate or measure | |
voterStopOpposingSave | Save or update one voter's lack of opposition for one candidate or measure | |
voterBookmarkOnSave | Save or create private 'bookmark on' state for the current voter for a measure, an office or candidate. | |
voterBookmarkOffSave | Save or create private 'bookmark off' state for the current voter for a measure, an office or candidate. | |
voterBookmarkStatusRetrieve | Has the voter bookmarked this measure, office or candidate? | |
positionsSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public positions information. |
Endorsers, People & Voter Guides | ||
organizationCount | static | Count the number of organizations in the database. |
organizationFollow | Store that the voter wants to follow this organization. | |
organizationFollowIgnore | Store that the voter wants to ignore this organization. | |
organizationStopFollowing | Store that the voter wants to stop following this organization. | |
organizationStopIgnoring | Store that the voter wants to stop ignoring this organization (stored as "Stop Following"). | |
organizationsFoundOnUrl | We use this API to figure out which organization might own a particular web page. | |
organizationSuggestionTasks | Retrieve suggested organizations to follow generated from twitter ids i follow or organization of my friends follow. | |
organizationRetrieve | static | Retrieve one organization based on unique identifier. |
organizationSave | c3 | Save a new organization or update an existing organization. |
siteConfigurationRetrieve | static | Retrieve private label settings for an organization's site. |
organizationIndex | c4 | Return the raw index.html for an organization's configured site. |
organizationSearch | c3 | Search for organizations to find any organization that contains any of the search terms. |
organizationsFollowedRetrieve | Return a list of the organizations followed. See also voterGuidesFollowedRetrieve, which returns the most recent voter guide for each organization the voter follows. | |
voterGuidePossibilityHighlightsRetrieve | Return a highlight dict which includes the candidates and measures to highlight on a web page. | |
voterGuidePossibilityRetrieve | Has a volunteer marked this URL as a voter guide? | |
voterGuidePossibilityPositionsRetrieve | Return one or all of the possible positions for one VoterGuidePossibility. | |
voterGuidePossibilitySave | Update an existing VoterGuidePossibility entry. | |
voterGuidePossibilityPositionSave | Update an existing VoterGuidePossibilityPosition entry. | |
voterGuideSave | c4 | Save new or existing voter guide. |
voterGuidesRetrieve | c4 | Retrieve voter guides using a variety of search criteria. |
voterGuidesSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all voter guides. |
voterGuidesFollowedRetrieve | Retrieve a list of the most recent voter guide from each organization the voter follows. See also organizationsFollowedRetrieve, which returns a list of organizations the voter follows. | |
voterGuideFollowersRetrieve | Retrieve a list of followers of this voter guide. | |
voterFollowAllOrganizationsFollowedByOrganization | Follow all organizations being followed by another organization. | |
voterGuidesFollowedByOrganizationRetrieve | Retrieve a list of the most recent voter guide from each organization the organization follows. See also organizationsFollowedRetrieve, which returns a list of organizations the voter follows. | |
voterGuidesIgnoredRetrieve | Retrieve a list of the most recent voter guide from each organization the voter ignores. | |
voterGuidesToFollowRetrieve | Retrieve a list of voter guides that a voter might want to follow. | |
voterGuidesUpcomingRetrieve | Retrieve all upcoming voter guides. (Implemented as cached/static json file.) | |
voterGuidesFromFriendsUpcomingRetrieve | Retrieve upcoming voter guides from one voter's friends. | |
pledgeToVoteWithVoterGuide | A voter pledges to vote as the Voter Guide recommends. | |
organizationsSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all public organization information. |
issueDescriptionsRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve complete listing of the descriptions for all issues. |
issueOrganizationsRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve complete listing of the organizations attached to all issues. |
issueFollow | Allow a voter to follow one issue. | |
issuesFollowedRetrieve | Retrieve listing of the issues one voter is following. | |
issuesRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve complete listing of all issues. DEPRECATED - Broken into: issueDescriptionsRetrieve, issuesFollowedRetrieve, issuesUnderBallotItemsRetrieve |
issuesUnderBallotItemsRetrieve | c3 | Retrieve listing of all ballot items for one election with the issues that connected to each Endorser. |
issuesSyncOut | c3 | Provide another We Vote Server a complete listing of all issues. |
retrieveIssuesToFollow | Retrieve listing of all issues for the voter to follow. | |
organizationLinkToIssueSyncOut | This is the summary of the way that public organizations are categorized by issues. For example, if I want to find all organizations that are related to climate change, this is the data that tells me this. | |
issuesLinkedToOrganization | Retrieves list of issues that are linked to the Endorser | |
issuesToLinkToForOrganization | Retrieves list of issues that the Endorser is not linked to already | |
organizationLinkToIssue | Links or unlinks an Endorser to an Issue | |
Voter Friends | ||
emailBallotData | Send ballot to self or friends by email address. | |
friendInvitationByEmailSend | Send invitations to friends by email address. | |
friendInvitationByEmailVerify | Accept an invitation to be someone's friend based on a secret key. | |
friendInvitationByFacebookSend | Send invitations to friends by facebook. | |
friendInvitationByFacebookVerify | Accept an invitation from facebook to be someone's friend. | |
friendInvitationByWeVoteIdSend | Invite a friend to be your friend from a 'suggested friends' list. | |
friendInvitationInformation | Using a friend invitation secret key, retrieve information needed for the friend onboarding process. | |
friendInviteResponse | Respond to a friend request. | |
friendList | Request information about a voter's friends, including invitations to become a friend, a list of current friends, and friends you share in common with another voter. | |
friendListsAll | Request six of the lists related to the voter's friends, in one API call. | |
messageToFriendSend | Send a message to an existing We Vote friend. | |
Sharing Links to We Vote | ||
sharedItemSave | Create sharing codes for a We Vote url. Create a SharedItem entry. | |
sharedItemRetrieve | Pass in a sharing code and get back the destination. | |
Activity | ||
activityListRetrieve | Recent activity in one voter's network to show on the news page. | |
activityNoticeListRetrieve | Recent activity in one voter's network to show in notifications menu. | |
activityPostSave | Save or edit an Activity Post. | |
activityCommentSave | Save or edit an Activity Comment. | |
Analytics | ||
voterAggregateAnalytics | Analytics about voters (in aggregate -- no personally identifiable information) who have used We Vote. Publicly available query builder here: https://api.wevoteusa.org/a/query_builder/ | |
voterListAnalytics | A list of voter identifiers who have used We Vote. Only returns voter we_vote_id and lightweight summary information. | |
organizationAnalyticsByVoter | A list of voter-specific analytics about either a) one of your member's, or b) all of your members based on the variables you send with the request. These analytics come from visits to organization's custom URL, and not the main WeVote.US site. | |
saveAnalyticsAction | Save an entry in We Vote Analytics system, so we can publish daily, monthly, election and sitewide reports. | |
analyticsActionSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve raw Analytics Action information for data analysis purposes. The definitions of the ACTION constants are here: ACTION constants on Github | |
organizationDailyMetricsSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve information for data analysis purposes. | |
organizationElectionMetricsSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve information for data analysis purposes. | |
sitewideDailyMetricsSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve information for data analysis purposes. | |
sitewideElectionMetricsSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve information for data analysis purposes. | |
sitewideVoterMetricsSyncOut | Allow people with Analytics Admin authority to retrieve information for data analysis purposes. | |
Extension Utils | ||
pdfToHtmlRetrieve | Convert a pdf into a html page in S3, and return that URL. | |
For Developers | ||
fastLoadStatusRetrieve | Get the status of an ongoing fast load of certain tables to a developers Mac | |
retrieveSQLTablesRowCount | Return the row count (the sum of the maximum id numbers) for the tables that will be returned by a "Fast Load Data From We Vote Master Servers" to a developers Mac. |